
Since our founding in 2005, New Madison Ave has the belief that mastering digital commerce is essential for companies to grow. Our belief is supported by the work our founder and partners experienced when running cutting edge digital organizations in the consumer and media industries. Since then, our assumption about digital commerce being essential to growth has proven wildly accurate

Since our inception, we have successfully helped our clients leveraged digital technology like eCommerce, analytics and AI and combined them with exceptional experiences to create new and innovative businesses, differential services and develop new digital products

One of most difficult challenges has been and will always be our ability to position ourselves. Yes, we are a digital agency. Yes, we are an eCommerce agency. Yes, we are a technology organization. We are all three, since we believe you need to bring all three disciplines today to create a great experience that lift sales and provides growth opportunities.

So, we do not fit into the industry classification

… that’s OK with us

Since its inception, digital has broken the rules. We see no reason why it should stop now. This new disruptive thinking has changed how we do business and we want to harness this disruption for our clients advantage

This is best reflected in our digital strategic planning methodology “Art of the Possible”. It is unique in that it takes a bottom up approach to digital strategy. Our experience is that once management understands the full capabilities of different technologies and platforms, they find new and innovative ways to grow their businesses

Hybrid Agency

In our minds we are a hybrid agency. One that combines the best of digital strategy, experience design, advanced analytics including AI and technical excellence to provide the relevant insight, best practices and product quality that help our clients deliver amazing experiences and grow. Thus we are………..

New Madison Ave

We succeed when our clients succeed

Since our founding, New Madison Ave has always tried to keep it simple. So it is not surprising that our philosophy is simple. We succeed when our clients succeed

To meet this challenge we believe in continuous learning, following best practices and in some cases intelligently breaking industry norms to create growth opportunities for our clients

We are also a little rebellious in that we firmly believe that it is not just all about experience

Strategy, doing the right thing in our mind is the critical first step in any digital journey. Once the digital strategy, including revenue lift, is understood and costs budgeted with a clear understanding of the roadmap and impact on the organization, then it’s about designing and delivering the best experience