Digital Director

For the board director or C-level executive who has limited time to understand the changing landscape of digital commerce and competition

Why Digital Directors are Needed
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Why Digital Directors are Needed

Why are Digital Directors Needed?

Outside directors steeped in digital business models, business practices and industry best practices can be invaluable to companies making a big bet on a digital transformation or other technology change. Also, companies in technology driven industries require more refined insight and expert council to face new and emerging digital-oriented disruptors.

Having an external perspective, especially through the eyes of the customer or consumer digital experience, is one critical perspective a digital director can bring.

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How do Directors Assess Digital Capabilities?
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How do Directors Assess Digital Capabilities?

How does a digital director help the board assess the digital capabilities of the organization?

First by helping other board members understand the capabilities of the team by assessing the company’s leadership team’s awareness, experience and level of success with digital transformations, channels and products.

A digital director can assess an existing, unproven management team and conclude that they have the right combination of talents to be very successful in the digital realm. Or, a digital director can help identify where more experience and skill is required, and in some cases help recruit the right person. 

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